Pachamama Invocation

About 10 years ago, my spiritual guide and teacher Tupaq T’tito Kuntur (aka Adolfo T’tito Condori) gave me a key to unlock a deeper dimension of my spiritual journey: the language of Quechua.

Quechua is an ancient language spoken by Indigenous people all across South America. It developed orally and was handed down through spoken language rather than in writing. The people who developed Quechua and continue to speak it live in a continuous relationship to nature and the spiritual realms. The language has developed to support this connection—it’s vibrational and visceral. Speaking Quechua feels more like singing in the body, mind, and spirit than speaking in English.

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Amy Nicholson
Welcome to my new website!

We have so much to be grateful for.

In March, before the pandemic arrived to disrupt our lives, I resigned from a 15 year academic career to focus on my business. Can you believe that was 9 months ago?

This website has gone through it's full gestation cycle and now it has been born. In many ways, I am giving birth to a more conscious presence around how I want to be in the world and how I want to share my gifts. I am bringing all of myself to this new incarnation of my business: my story, my presence, my vulnerability and my expertise. I am so excited about this next phase of the journey and I am so glad you’re here with me.

Follow the Thread of Your Own Becoming—Is not just a tagline. It is an embodied awareness and practice that supports you to navigate your life from the center of your knowing. Only you know the path. I can help you to clear away the obstacles to your knowing and to find the thread of your Becoming.

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