We have so much to be grateful for.
In March, before the pandemic arrived to disrupt our lives, I resigned from a 15 year academic career to focus on my business. Can you believe that was 9 months ago?
This website has gone through it's full gestation cycle and now it has been born. In many ways, I am giving birth to a more conscious presence around how I want to be in the world and how I want to share my gifts. I am bringing all of myself to this new incarnation of my business: my story, my presence, my vulnerability and my expertise. I am so excited about this next phase of the journey and I am so glad you’re here with me.
Follow the Thread of Your Own Becoming—Is not just a tagline. It is an embodied awareness and practice that supports you to navigate your life from the center of your knowing. Only you know the path. I can help you to clear away the obstacles to your knowing and to find the thread of your Becoming.
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