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Monthly donation based indigenous wisdom teachings with Túpaq Ttito Kuntur, Achiq Akulleq Paqo from Pomaqanchi, Peru

AYNI MUNAY AYLLU, is a collective of ayllus, coming together as a unified force to live and practice AYNI, or reciprocity, for the benefit of the communities in most need of resources during these difficult times. These communities are our Andean spiritual family in Peru: the Kuntur brothers and their families, as well as the ayllus, and neighbors living in and around Pomacanchi, Ausangate and other areas, in the Sacred Valley of Peru.

Each month, there will be an AYNI (donation) based class, given by Túpaq Ttito Kuntur and/or another member of the Sacred Wisdom School of the Inkas /Inkakunaq Yachay Wasin. These classes are an opportunity to receive spiritual teachings, to receive energetic transmissions, and most importantly, a way to give back to the community.

Pachawan Kawsay is the overarching theme that we will be exploring together. This Inka code refers to the visible and invisible dimensions of existence, and how these dimensions, energies and cosmic forces in the universe inform our consciousness and our spiritual evolution. 

It’s basically learning about applied quantum physics from an indigenous cosmology perspective. It can be hard to put into words, the depth and sophistication of this knowledge. You have to experience it!

Everyone is welcome!


When you donate, to this AYLLU, your money will go to:

* School supplies, academic materials & books

* Computers and technology

* Home furniture

* Clothing

* Food and medicines

* Education

* Other resources for the Sacred Wisdom School of the Inkas

When you participate in these classes, you are giving back to the communities and honoring the lineages of sacred wisdom that we have so generously received from the Kuntur brothers and Paqos in the Andes.

Our deep gratitude and love for your efforts to live in AYNI and sacred reciprocity.


Follow us to receive updates on themes for monthly donation-based classes in Andean Indigenous Wisdom, in person-classes and pilgrimages to Peru.


10:00am to 12:00 PM CT


Saturday, September 9th: 10-12PM (Yanantin Chakana)

Saturday, October 7th: 10-12 PM (Kinsa Chakana)

Saturday, November 4th: 10-12 PM (Tawa Chakana)

Saturday, December 2nd: 10-12 PM (Dimensions of the Chakana)



Class 7/8: (Tawa Chakana)

The Chakana is a sacred symbol of the Andean Cosmology, also called the Inkan or Andean Cross. It is one of most ancient surviving geometric symbols of pre-columbian America. Its shape is a stepped cross that typically has 12 points, with an empty circle in the center.

The Chakana is a symbol of our multidimensional reality, with the inner circle representing the center point, the void, and the “chaka” or bridge that guides humanity to our highest embodiment of consciousness.

Join Altomisayoq (Achiq Akulleq) paqo, Túpaq Ttito Kuntur on for one or all of this series of 8 monthly classes and transmissions on the theme of The Chakana.

He will guide us on a journey into the sacred geometry of the Chakana, teaching you how to work with it, to expand your consciousness and relationship to the universe, and to better understand your place within it.

Suggested Donation for per class: $35-50



These experiences are open to everyone interested in learning about the spiritual healing and indigenous wisdom practices of the Paqo Andino. If you're curious about indigenous energy medicine, are wanting more authentic and in-depth teaching, and/or have wanted to travel on a pilgrimage to Peru, these classes are for you!

The 2 hour monthly sessions include a bit of indigenous wisdom teachings, storytelling, and ritual. This is a wonderful way to experience Túpaq's teachings, and receive the energetic transmission.


HAve questions?

Reach out to get your questions answered.

Ready to get started?

Reserve your spot for our next class today!

About Túpaq

Túpaq Ttito Kuntur was born in Pomaqanchi, Peru. His journey in Andean medicine began as a child under the guidance of his grandfather and parents who worked with plant medicines as pampamisayoqs.

Túpaq has experienced many of the classic initiations for becoming a medicine person. He has been struck by lightning twice (as a child and an adult) and then as a teenager, he became sick with an incurable and mysterious illness, forcing him to leave his home to find a teacher to study and to learn how to heal himself. He first become a Pampamisayoq, and then after many years of trainings, initiations and personal tests, the Apus (the mountain spirits) gave him the Celestial Misha of High Misayoq, or Altomisayoq (Achiq Akulleq paqo).

In addition to being in service as High Misayoq, he has been called to become Willaq Uma a messenger and prophet of the ancestors and the spiritual cosmos, to continue with the prophecy that his Inka ancestors left, to gather and restore the spiritual power of the Tawantinsuyu of the Inkas, along with his brothers chosen for these times according to the Pachakutiq and the Inka prophecy.

Túpaq teaches and brings groups on pilgrimages to the holy mountains in Peru, through his organization, the Sacred Wisdom School of the Inkas, and was featured in Jeffrey Wium’s stunning documentary called Paqo Andino.

About Amy

Amy is a somatic psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner, and teacher, specializing in complex trauma resolution, nervous system regulation, and Andean Energy Medicine.

She's a bridge-synthesizing modern neurobiology and ancient wisdom for her clients to support them on their journey to full integration and healing of the multidimensional self.

She has studied and taught somatic and energetic modalities for over twenty years, and continues to be a dedicated student of soul-embodied healing and indigenous Andean energy medicine, on the path as a Hampi-Kamaq Ñust’a paqo under the mentorship of Túpaq Ttito Kuntur.

Through one-on-one healing, classes, spiritual mentoring, sacred music, pilgrimages to the mountains, and healing intensive workshops, Amy helps you harness your inner healer-to heal yourself, so you can live in authentic alignment in service to others.


Start the Journey

